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DMT40 Dirt and Moisture Trap 40 bar


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Product code:
Pressure rating:
Up to 40 bar
Pressure fitting type:
Bx G1/8

USA Warehouse is out of stock, but the product can be shipped from our HQ warehouse. Contact us at

Product Overview

The Beamex DMT Dirt and Moisture Trap helps you protect your calibration equipment against contamination. Process instruments may contain moisture and dirt, which could enter the pressure source or calibrator in pneumatic calibrations. The DMT will collect impurities from the device to be tested and prevent them from entering the calibration equipment. DMT40 can be used up to 40 bar / 580 psi pressure applications and uses air as its pressure media, liquids are not supported.

The standard delivery includes
- DMT40 with Bx G1/8" male fitting for Beamex 40 bar hoses
- a stand that also works as manifold with three output connectors
- 40 bar / 600 psi pressure hose
- a set of seals and gaskets
- support plate and wall adapter
- user manual
- all items are packed in a hard case

See manual on Beamex website